How Would You Like To Learn How To Lose Weight and Still Eat What You Love For Just $1?

30 Day Weight Loss Challenge

Because You Have More To Lose Than Just The $1 It Costs To Join

You Heard Right!
It's Just One Dollar!!!

Register Now!

Enrollment Is Limited To 200 Participants

Enrollment Ends:

Or When Limited Openings Are Filled (Whichever Comes First!)


From: Peggy Squarepeg
Where: Orlando, FL

Hey there!

Are you tired of the endless cycle of fad diets that promise quick results but leave you feeling deprived and frustrated?

Would you like a complete lifestyle overhaul?

Wouldn't you like increased energy levels, improved mental clarity, and a sense of overall well-being like never before?

Before I tell you about the 30-Day Keto Diet Challenge, Let me ask you a few questions...

Check Any Of The Following Statements That You Believe Are True

Give Us Just 30 Days To Prove You Wrong!

All we ask is just a $1 investment and 30 days to show how the Keto diet can be the foundation of a new healthy lifestyle that can reduce your weight while increasing your energy level. 

Are We Crazy?

Maybe! But we are only charging one dollar because it requires a commitment. Our commitment in return is that if you stick with us for just 30 days, you'll see changes in your life.

How It Works

We will meet once a week over a private zoom session. In addition to these weekly sessions, we will send you a short video everyday with diet, exercise or lifestyle tips. You have a busy life and from small things come big changes. Just stick with us for a few hours a week and in just 4 weeks, you'll be different at the end of the month.

Week 1

Intro To Keto

Learn about the Keto diet and how it is different from anything you have tried before. Eat foods you love and adopt a healthy new mindset that will change your life.

Week 2

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is a powerful tool to maintain weight. Combined with the Keto diet, intermittent fasting becomes your health super power.

Week 3

Keto and Exercise

The Keto diet is a powerful way to lose and maintain weight. When combined with exercise, you can multiply and magnify your results and create a healthy lifestyle.

Week 4

Keto and the Real World

Diet and weight loss programs do not exist in a vacuum. The key to successful weight loss is a plan that combines diet and exercise in a way that fits in and complements your busy life.

Week 5 (Bonus)

Celebration Day!

At the end of the 30-Day challenge, we will have a party! Join us for the celebration as we announce the contest winners and unveil unannounced surprise gifts.

Just Show Up And Follow The Easy Program!

And When You Join Today For Just $1, You Get The Following Bonuses

Keto Kommando ​Food
and Macro Calculator

($297 Value)

The Keto Kommando Food and Macro Calculator allows you to keep track of your daily Keto metrics and macros. This revolutionary tool makes figuring out your macro easy.!

Keto Kommando ​Food
and Macro Calculator

($297 Value)

The Keto Kommando Food and Macro Calculator allows you to keep track of your daily Keto metrics and macros. This revolutionary tool makes figuring out your macro easy.!

Keto Kommando
Recipe Book​

($97 Value)

The Keto Kommando Food Recipe Book is full of recipes for delicious Keto meals that are quick and easy to prepare.

Keto Kommando
Recipe Book​

($97 Value)

The Keto Kommando Food Recipe Book is full of recipes for delicious Keto meals that are quick and easy to prepare.

Keto Kommando
30 Day Challenge T-Shirt​


The official t-shirt of the Keto Kommando 30 Day Challenge and only available by joining the challenge.

Keto Kommando
30 Day Challenge T-Shirt​


The official t-shirt of the Keto Kommando 30 Day Challenge and only available by joining the challenge.

Did Someone Say Free Prizes?

Yes, Were Having A Contest!

Keto Kommando loves contests and giving away prizes. There's no way we could have the 30-Day Challenge and not have a contest. When you join at the VIP level, you are automatically entered into the contest.

First Prize

($2400 Value)

Get all the meat you and your family need for a Keto healthy lifestyle from Missouri Meat Traders. Our 1st prize winner will get a variety of meats including beef, pork and chicken worth $200 every month for a year with free shipping.

Second Prize

($1200 Value)

Bone broth is one of the most popular supplement but many people don't like the taste. the Taos Bone Broth company has solved this problem and the 2nd place winner will receive a $1200 credit for any Taos Bone Broth Company products.

Third Prize

($600 Value)

Every woman needs cosmetics and health supplements but too many of these products are made with low quality ingredients. Our 3rd place winner will receive $600 worth of organic-based products from Phaedra Pharmaceuticals.

First Prize

($2400 Value)

Get all the meat you and your family need for a Keto healthy lifestyle from Missouri Meat Traders. Our 1st prize winner will get a variety of meats including beef, pork and chicken worth $200 every month for a year with free shipping.

Second Prize

($1200 Value)

Bone broth is one of the most popular supplement but many people don't like the taste. the Taos Bone Broth company has solved this problem and the 2nd place winner will receive a $1200 credit for any Taos Bone Broth Company products.

Third Prize

($600 Value)

Every woman needs cosmetics and health supplements but too many of these products are made with low quality ingredients. Our 3rd place winner will receive $600 worth of organic-based products from Phaedra Pharmaceuticals.

All of this for just a $1 sounds crazy...doesn't it? And our accounts think we've gone completely mental!

But we think that once you've had success with the Keto diet and Keto Kommando program that you will want more. 

Remember, You Get All This For $1!

Mockup + Offer Stack

100% Guarantee

  • If you are not completely satisfied we will refund the $1 registration fee
  • You get to keep all the bonuses no matter what
  • You get to keep all the downloadable materials in the daily lessons

We've never done a challenge like this before and we don't know if we will do a challenge like this ever again (what were we thinking?).

So take advantage of our crazy idea and sign up for the Keto Kommando 30-Day Challenge for the price of $1!

Remember, You Get All This For $1!

  • Keto Kommando 30-Day Challenge Daily Lessons                    ($997 Value)
  • Keto Kommando 30-Day Challenge Weekly Zoom Sessions  ($997 Value)
  • Keto Kommando Food and Macro Calculator                               ($297 Value)
  • ​Keto Kommando Quick and Easy Recipes                                   ($97 Value)
  • ​Keto Kommando 30-Day Challenge T-Shirt                             (...Priceless!)

​Keto Kommando 30-Day Challenge Daily Lessons
($997 Value)

​​Keto Kommando 30-Day Challenge Weekly Zoom Sessions ($997 Value)

​​​Keto Kommando Food and Macro Calculator
($297 Value)

​​​Keto Kommando Quick and Easy Recipes 
($97 Value)

​​​Keto Kommando 30-Day Challenge T-Shirt

Join The Challenge For Only...


The Challenge Starts On:


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Keto Kommando Challenges